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Akka Cluster Giter8 template.

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10 / Jun  2019

Couple of times already I’ve found myself in a situation that I wanted to prototype something based on Akka Cluster. In order to do that I was almost always reviewing the Akka Cluster Usage Sample and downloading the sample, or have used one of my already created examples. The problem with that approach is that all of the samples already have code and configuration in it. Mostly, with new prototypes, I don’t need package names, configurations and snippets of code remaning from other prototypes..

So this time, when I wanted to prototype an actor based PubSub dispatching mechanism on Akka Cluster, I decided to finally extract a template for that, so it doesn’t take half an hour to get a cluster running locally.

Giter8 templates

There’s a nice project called Giter8 created exactly for such cases. I’ve stumbled upon it already some years ago. But never had the chance/need to actually create a template myself. So.. I started :).

Akka Cluster base project

For my new scaffold/template project I had minimal requirements:

Enabling Akka Cluster

This is quite easy to achieve, proper library dependencies have to be added to the project:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaV,
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-slf4j" % akkaV,
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster" % akkaV,
  "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackV,

Additionally I’ve already added logging component, as it comes quite handy with my logback configuration I use almost everywhere.

Making sure Akka Cluster is configured

That’s also mostly quite easy, as Akka Cluster Documentation describes it quite good. But nevertheless some configuration is needed:

akka {

  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
  loglevel = "INFO"
  logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"

  actor {
    debug {
      lifecycle = off
      receive = off
      autoreceive = off
    provider = "cluster"

  remote {
    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
    netty.tcp {
      hostname = ""
      port = 0

  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [

    auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
    jmx.multi-mbeans-in-same-jvm = on

Starting the cluster locally

Starting multiple actor systems locally, that form a cluster is also trivial (it’s also shown somewhere in the Akka Cluster Example). How it’s basically achieved? Well, in one JVM (one main method) multiple akka nodes are being started, which join the cluster (due to the shared configuration, pointing to local seed nodes). The imported main parts of such project:

ExampleClusterApp.scala - is the wrapper main App starting multiple applications:

package com.gmaslowski.example

object ExampleClusterApp
  extends App {


ExampleApp.scala - is the actuall main App starting the Akka Cluster:

package com.gmaslowski.example

import akka.cluster.Cluster
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

object ExampleApp
  extends App
    with AkkaComponents.Default // provides general configuration traits
    with AkkaClusterComponents.Default // provides general configuration traits for Akka Cluster
    with ExampleComponents.Default { // provides custom components

  val port = if (args.isEmpty) "0" else args(0)
  val config = ConfigFactory

  override val actorSystem = ActorSystem("actorSystem", config)
  override val cluster = Cluster(actorSystem)


build.sbt - making sure that run invokes the wrapper App:

mainClass in(Compile, run) := Some("com.gmaslowski.example.ExampleClusterApp")

application.conf - couple of helping settings:

ClusterListener.scala - also taken from the Akka Cluster Example to see/notify about the cluster events:

package com.gmaslowski.example

import{Actor, ActorLogging, Props}
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._

object ClusterListener {
  def props = Props(classOf[ClusterListener])

class ClusterListener
  extends Actor
    with ActorLogging {

  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    cluster.subscribe(self, initialStateMode = InitialStateAsEvents, classOf[MemberEvent], classOf[UnreachableMember])
  override def postStop(): Unit = cluster.unsubscribe(self)

  def receive = {
    case MemberUp(member) =>"Member is Up: {}", member.address)
    case UnreachableMember(member) =>"Member detected as unreachable: {}", member)
    case MemberRemoved(member, previousStatus) =>"Member is Removed: {} after {}", member.address, previousStatus)
    case _: MemberEvent => // ignore

And that was all there is to the simple Akka Cluster App. Now it needs to be made available as a Giter8 template.

Gitering the solution

The documentation available at describes quite well, how such templates are supposed to be created. In this case I’ll just limit myself to show the g8 project structure and list some gotchas I’ve came across.


description=Example Akka Cluster App.


verbatim = *.xml

This file will be used, as configuration, by Giter8 during the scaffold/generation process. The variables are being then used for substitution in the project template.

Project directory structure:

rock-solid λ ~/devenv/private/akka-cluster.g8/ master tree         
└── src
    └── main
        └── g8
            ├── build.sbt
            ├── project
            │   └── plugins.sbt
            └── src
                └── main
                    ├── resources
                    │   ├── application.conf
                    │   └── logback.xml
                    └── scala
                        └── $package$
                            ├── $classname$App.scala
                            ├── $classname$ClusterApp.scala
                            ├── $classname$Components.scala
                            ├── AkkaClusterComponents.scala
                            ├── AkkaComponents.scala
                            └── ClusterListener.scala

9 directories, 12 files
rock-solid λ ~/devenv/private/akka-cluster.g8/ master 

One of the source files:

package $package$

import akka.cluster.Cluster
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

object $classname$App
  extends App
    with AkkaComponents.Default
    with AkkaClusterComponents.Default
    with $classname$Components.Default {

  val port = if (args.isEmpty) "0" else args(0)
  val config = ConfigFactory
    .parseString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=" + port)

  override val actorSystem = ActorSystem("$systemname$", config)
  override val cluster = Cluster(actorSystem)



Example run

Now it is really easy to scaffold a basic, working Akka Cluster application by simply executing sbt:

sbt new gmaslowski/akka-cluster.g8

Since a picture is worth more, than tousands of words:


I already have some ideas of what I could change and benefit from it: